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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding

Cabin Fever

Updated: Jan 7, 2021

Well, I'm still not dead. I've actually been meaning to write this for the last 2 weekends but I've just been so exhausted/busy that I really haven't been able to or motivated enough to, but as I'm sitting here in the car on the way to a dinner with Gabbie's family to celebrate Carlahna's 21st (Surprise Carlahna!!) I figure I have the time to put some words to paper... Or phone... You know what I mean. So this is me picking it back up and getting on with telling you what I pretend you want to hear.

Anthony's Song It seems such a waste of time If that's what it's all about Mama if that's movin' up Then I'm movin' out.

We moved out 3 weeks ago, it was a LOT of work, we had a big working bee on the day and lots of people came to help out which was an amazing blessing, it still took us the entire day to get the place clean, get stuff into storage, get stuff to the new place (Yes, I'll get to that later) and taking stuff to the dump, and this is on top of the weeks of work preceding moving day, needless to say I was pretty done by the end of the day and I'm glad it's over.

We weren't able to find a house unfortunately, Miriam moved out a while before the big day, Luther had to move in with his half brother, Mum & Dad were able to get a caravan and move it up onto the orchard where I work, and me? Well remember that Cabin I built? That's my home at the moment, that's my room, lounge & game space all piled into one small cabin.

Overall it's not too bad, we have somewhere to live and with me running the harvest and Mum working here as well, it's convenient to be right there. The cabin is warm, the bed is comfortable, and we have somewhere to cook and eat, so we're surviving.

Oh and the cats are doing well, We have Caspian, Garret and Fanta here at the orchard, they've all settled in quite well (particularly Garret and Fanta), Miriam was able to find a home for Ivy so that was a big weight off of all our shoulders.

Podcast Tings The Podcast fortunately didn't have to take a hiatus, we were able to record two episodes in a day, which covered out butts for a little while, then I did miss one episode but they took that opportunity to talk about cars with Ben "replacing" me for the episode, it was really good, I enjoyed listening to it and had a lot of good laughs listening to them talk, I got the type of feeling I hope other people get when listening to the show. We did record two episodes last week, I didn't manage to grab my normal microphone that I use, so my audio was a bit tinny but hopefully it's still enjoyable to listen to.

Board Games... Duh Have been playing a lot less than I would like but have still been managing to play some stuff, Viscounts arrived a while back (before the move) and have played 3 games of that in person, it's really great, it's jumped up to my #2 game of all time and I think it has potential to be #1 still.

We (Me & Gabbie) bought Carlahna 'Clank! In Space' for her birthday, she was really happy to get it and it made me feel like we'd made the right choice, I'm very excited to play it, I love Clank! It's a brilliant game and I'm interested to see what changes this version has.

Other than that I have Board Game Night coming up, West Kingdom Themed. I'm very excited for it cause I love all three games, but also I'm nervous as they're all BIG, Heavy games, and not everyone is into those style of games. Until then though, life goes on as normal, I'm about to enjoy a lovely day with Gabbie, hopefully spend some time with her sisters too.

Who knows when I'll next write again, I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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