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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding

Designing... life.

Life has been normal, nothing new happening at the moment, just the same old stuff, stuff WILL be happening soon but it's not happened yet.

I'm just kind of in a null point, the regular routine of life is all that's really happening. I've been wanting to get a bunch of games to the table, and thinking about one just keeps making me think about another, so now I have a list of like 10+ BIG games that I really want to play, but oh well, I take what I can.

Designing...a character.

So remember Unmatched? The Skirmish fighting game? Yeah so I received that a while ago and have played it a few times and enjoyed it quite a bit & have even got some containers to help hold all the characters.

Restoration games (who publish Unmatched) are running a competition for their upcoming 4 player set, it's a design a Hero competition, meaning you choose a character from history or fiction (as long as they're public domain), design a full 30 card deck with abilities and everything, and if your design gets selected, they'll turn it into a character for the set. it's a big competition and I don't know how much creativity I have in me to create a playable character, you can choose two heroes to submit, so the first I’m going to try create (cause it’s plausible for them to choose) is Wyatt Earp (with Doc Holiday as a side kick), it’s going to be a lot of work but I’m going to give it my best shot. The second of the two designs is Samson, from the bible, I doubt they’d pick him as a hero to make, cause although he’s not unknown, his facts and history aren’t widely known to anyone other than those who have read his story and know it, so I’m going to have fun designing his abilities, but I don’t think he’ll be a valid option to them.

But… if you ever see an unmatched set with either Wyatt Earp or Samson in it, you know who to thank. body.

I am very unfit.

Sure I work outdoors everyday, but more often than not that's strength building rather than endurance or cardio, so going on long walks is quite tiring, it's a very good, satisfying exhaustion, but it's exhausting all the same. I've been thinking about my fitness for a while now, but on Saturday me and Gabbie went on a really lovely picnic to Orokawa bay, and the 45min walk there was very enjoyable, but I was puffed at the end, and we stopped for a decent stop in the middle, and as I was "boasting" about once doing it barefoot with a 8 year old on my back the whole time, I realised I am definitely NOT the guy I used to be, I'm overweight and just really not used to long walks.

"So Dan, what is your plan to solve this?" Well, starting next week, I'm going to try to get into running in the mornings again. I used to run every morning, but then...well tbh I just stopped for "a week" and never got back into it, and so It's left me rather lazy.

A morning run usually was quite refreshing and started my day quite well, whereas lately, I wake up, moan, and go back to sleep till my breakfast alarm goes off, so I really need to force myself back into it.

Designing...a cabin

So right next to the lunch room I helped build we are building a cabin!

I'm quite excited for this as, well, simply put building cabins is a cool thing to do, I'm also nervous, as building an area with a floor, it's more important to get everything square, than just building a lean to.

It's going to be made to house 4-5 people, mainly pickers during harvest & because it's right next to the lunch room, there's no need for ablutions facilities or anything like that, so it's just a simple 4 person bedroom with a deck.

Building the cabin has got me in the mindset to get started on building a small bike shed at home, my brother Luther spent a lot of work digging out a fun dirt track down the hill in one of our back fields, it's pretty cool and lots of fun, and we had the idea to build a bike shed/rest area, somewhere for the parents to sit and watch while the kids (my nephews and nieces) play on the track.

It'd be pretty simple, just probably two posts, a few pallets, and some wood and screws. (near) future.

Well, as I'm typing this, Auckland just went into Lockdown Level 3 and we went into Level 2, what does that effect for us up here? Not too much, possibly church has to be limited, but all in all it probably just means we're meant to be more careful in public. I've got a Lockup coming up on Friday, we take the youth, and we lock everyone in the church overnight for 12hours and try stay awake to raise funds for the groups sponser child,

Other than that, I'm just anticipating whatever happens, and whether we go back into full lockdown, if so, hopefully I can get a lot more games with the family played.

And now I'll leave you with a question: do you think "quite good" is better or worse than just "good".

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