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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding

I'm not Dead...

Seriously... I'm not...

It's been a while since I've written and posted on here, and no I haven't given up on it or forgotten about it, Life's just been interesting.

We've been informed that we have to move out by the end of October, and we'll, simply put, we can't afford to rent anywhere else, our landlords have been very generous in the price they charge us for this place, and so we've been able to stay here (although even that has been shaky with paying rent sometimes),

So us having to move and find a place we can fit in and afford has really got most of our family (me included) quite stressed and has put me in a place where I'm just not in the mood to write, I'm not in the right place to think of interesting things to say and so I just haven't.

So that is why this has been "dead" these last 4 weeks, but I very much am. Still interested in keeping it going

The Podcast

The podcast has been going well, we just put out a mini episode and we've got one recorded and ready for this weekend, I've been enjoying just chatting with the blokes, Luke's moved away and so it's a good way to catch up with all of us.

Various other things

I'm keeping this post short, it's just an update on my life, but other stuff that's been happening: I bought Tabletop Simulator and am loving it, I finished Dishonored 2 and instantly started again, I had a good friend get baptised, we're still working our way through the cabin, and I made a Tiktok video (shut up, I'm hilarious)

Other than that, I've been fortunate to spend a lot of time with Gabbie, and I've been playing lots of board games which have been the highlights of the last month.

Hopefully I'll write again sooner than the last gap... But who knows.

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