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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding

No I'm pretty sure I'm not dead...

Where to begin? Wow, it has been a hot minute since I got on here and typed something up, honestly no particular rhyme or reason, just got busy and things got in the way, a handful of things have happened but not a whole heap, which was maybe why my enthusiasm for writing it waned a bit. but alas this Blog is not dead, just been in a long state of hibernation, so what has happened in the last year (almost) since I wrote?

A new member to the Family...

In September last year, my sister, Miriam (right) married a very good friend of mine Ethan (middle), it was during a big lock down so we had a very small wedding, consisting of our family, his, and our pastor, it was small, but very very sweet, there were tears (not shown in this photo) and lots of laughter (shown in photo), it was a privilege to be able to stand at Ethan's side, and I look forward to when I can do it again at the big celebration. They are renting a place about 20 minutes away so I get to see them on quite a regular basis which is really lovely, I'm blessed to have a close friend now be a part of the family. we have since then had two other couples get married, one we were able to attend which was a delight, the other unfortunately we were not, but it's awesome to see people make a commitment of this kind.

...Of course some Board Games... This past year has been quite exciting for me in the world of board gaming, mostly because of what I get the privilege to do online, but we'll come back to that. I've been playing board games as much as I can, have played quite a few really great ones that I love, and recently (for my 23rd) got given some really really awesome ones, on top of playing games I've been talking about them on Dan Likes Games, due to complications (which will be talked about later) I missed episodes here and there but as a whole they've been coming out on a regular basis, I get about 30 listeners an episode which isn't a lot but I'm happy with it, I would love to grow but I don't really have a show that has much potential to grow, I'm just glad I've got a handful of people who like my show.

Online, I've had the awesome opportunity to playtest and play games with the Garphill Games crew, I've managed to play quite a few awesome games coming out from them, even some not coming out for a couple years yet. It's been an awesome time getting to know Shem, Sam & Zach, playing their games, and also playing a few from Lukus Adam. I'll be sharing more about the games I've been playing when they get closer to coming out but I've enjoyed everything I've played so far. you can check out the soonest to come out: Wayfarers of the South Tigris on KS April 26th.

...& A real pain in the butt. Tuesday the 29th of March I went into the medical center to get them to look at my tailbone, I couldn't sit, could barely lie down due to the pain, turns out it was a pretty big and nasty abscess that needed to get cut out asap, so we rushed off to hospital, I lay in a bed waiting for about 8 hours, then finally went in for surgery. this was my first time being admitted to hospital for anything so I was actually pretty nervous, I was annoyed and in pain for a lot of the waiting time, but after it all it was finally over. I have to take things pretty easy, took a week off work, had a short week after that, but now I'm back to working full hours, and mostly out of pain so life is heading back to normal. One of the best things though, was soon after surgery I was able to get a really lovely gift, Carlahna drew me the best piece of art I've had, it was a very lovely gift, I had requested it but didn't fully expect to be as blown away as I am.

Something big might be coming. I don't have a lot more to say really, I might write up my reviews for the rest of the MCU movies just to give me something to write, but other than that everything is a bit quiet...mostly. Something very big and life changing could be happening sometime this year, and before you get TOO excited, no I don't mean me getting married, while that is going to happen sometime, due to circumstances, financial and otherwise, it's not the right time. No what I'm talking about is something else entirely, and while if it does happen, I'll be very excited to talk about it, it's also kind of sad and very unknown, I don't mean to be a tease but that's probably what you can expect to hear from me next. If you made it this far, thank you so much for following along.

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Feb 03, 2023

One a year? Come on bro, do some more! I'm interested to hear what you've been up to :")

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