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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding

Hello? (Hello? Hello? Hello?)

"Is there anybody in there?" Contrary to popular belief, I'm not dead, I've just been in a bit of a null point, don't really know how to explain it, I've been enjoying life, but I just haven't been in the spirit/mood to write it down into words, today hit me hard and I just felt like I needed to get it out so maybe this will see me picking this back up.

"I hear you're feeling down" I got home from work today to find my cat, Fanta, lying on the driveway, dead. She had been missing for about a month now? no sign of her, which is odd for her, and I had already feared the worst. I loved Fanta, so much, and it just really hit me hard, I think I'm pretty good at hiding my grief when around others, but when I'm all alone? I'm struggling to type this out without shedding tears.

I'll miss you Fantasia. on the less sad side...I'm just really anxious about going for my restricted...again...The first time I was nervous, but I also had been driving quite a lot, second time, was just a "well may as well go for it before the end of the year". but now, I don't know what it is, I know that it's a burden for Mum/Dad to have to drop me everywhere all the time, and I know that I'm restricting a lot of my options by being stuck on my Learners, but I'm so scared of failing again.

"Get you on your feet again" what have I been up to? well I'm still pumping out Dan Likes Games episodes, and when we can we're recording UP'n'GO w/Muffins, been a bit hectic and we're definitely late on a fair few, but we haven't given up on the show, it's just been hard these past few months. Been playing a handful of games (all of which you can hear me review on Dan Likes Games) & am waiting for a couple to arrive sometime this month, both of which I'm very excited for. Had a couple of 21sts, one was your usual big party, it was lovely to see a bunch of friends and acquaintances, had lots of fun playing games, singing along to the party songs and taking pictures, and it was really lovely to hear all the kind words spoken about the the Birthday person, who really is just such a wonderful person. The 2nd was less of a party and just a good time, Ethan (co-host on UP'n'GO w/Muffins & long time friend) came up to the area and we played some Jackbox, played his new board game, and then went out for a nice early dinner/late lunch.

"That'll keep you going through the show"

you may be asking "what happened to the Marvel Reviews? did you stop watching them?" No, I just stopped writing them, it got exhausting, so here's a catchup reviewapalooza:

  • Thor: The Dark World - was 7.5 now 6.5. really not a lot to this movie, little substance, weak plot, Loki saves this movie from being a flop.

  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier - was 9 now 9.5. few things felt weird in this one, Cap is cocky some of the time, and Natasha is actually quite obnoxious, otherwise a cinema masterpiece

  • GOTG V1 & V2 - were 8/7.5 now 8/8. brilliantly funny movies, that manage to be heart wrenching while making silly jokes.

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron - was 8 now 7. Still a great movie, but it felt too much like it was trying to be the first Avengers movie but with more characters, it introduces us to some great characters.

  • Ant-Man - was 8 now 8.5. have always loved Scott and the team, this is a great movie, extremely well done.

  • Captain America: Civil War - was 8 now 10. yeah I actually really loved Civil War this time through, I don't know exactly what it was, I just thought that eveything about it was amazingly well done and enjoyable (that's my 4th 10)

  • Spider-Man: Homecoming - was 8 now 8.5. still great, very relatable characters, very sweet and enjoyable to watch

and there you have it, I may write up reviews again for upcoming movies but we'll see.

"I have become comfortably numb" Well it's past my bed time, I have work tomorrow. I never know how to end these...

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