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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding

WIP (Work in Progress)

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

I've had a pretty topsy turvy time these past weeks. My brother, nephew and I have been having a lot of fun with our training weapons, I've been having a good time with all I've been doing at work, we recorded another fun episode of the podcast, and I got to FINALLY have a Board Game Night, But I also fell sick...which really took me down a few. So I think overall my weeks have been pretty good, but I've felt pretty lazy and unproductive, I'm sure some people enjoy not doing anything, and I enjoy a day or two of nothing every once in a while, but even then I still like to do stuff during that time, whether it's play solo games or paint minis, but the weekend I was sick I just felt so terrible all I did was watch stuff & play Xbox, the only stuff I did that filled me with true enjoyment was chatting to people. We discussed at youth group the fact that I'm fortunate to have a lot of family that lives quite close, in fact all of my siblings live within 45 minutes and it's something I know I'm blessed to have. We have a family gathering pretty much any time one of my nephews or nieces has a birthday, depending on the occasion it can be grading sometimes, but even when it is, it's always still great to see everyone.

Work. I have been having a great time at work, I've been doing a lot of constructive jobs. We've done a LOT of work on the lunch room, and it once again goes back to that whole recycling thing I said, because a large majority of the lunch room is made up of second hand material, most of the planks come from an old fence of a relative, he was redoing his fence and so he had a bunch of planks to get rid of, we've used up pretty much all of them on the lunchroom and other projects around my work. The pavers were all gotten for free off of someone on Trade Me, we just had to go pick them up ourselves, so three or four trips later we had pellet loads of them just sitting on the property. I think it's looking pretty flash, and it'll be a huge improvement from what we had last year. My work & my boss have been great, Mike is always looking out for things that need doing at work that give me new skills, or exploit the skills I've learnt, I've built piping systems, rewired lightbulbs, put roofing up, paved floors etc etc, they're all skills that will help me with my own home and future occupations, it's something I'm very grateful for.

I've been sick. late Thursday last week I was starting to feel a little under the weather, (which was really bad timing cause we finally were going to have BGN) So I didn't work at all Friday, just stayed in bed, loaded up on cold tablets, cough medicine, the lot, so I did end up still going to Board Game Night but by the end of the night I was pretty out of it. Saturday I was bedridden all day pretty much, and had to cancel my plans to go out with Gabbie (my girlfriend). I was able to go back to work Tuesday... But it made my weekend a very lazy, unproductive, extra long one, I didn't have the motivation to do anything, so I haven't been very active in any of the places I normally am, plus I had just gotten back into my running schedule, and then this interrupted it. I'm very much a man of schedule, if just 1 thing in my schedule gets interrupted, my whole schedule goes out of wack, I lose all motivation. I started learning a language over lockdown, but as soon as events started up again and getting in the way, I dropped it for quite a while, I've picked it up again and am really enjoying it, but O lost any motivation for a couple of weeks. but i'm all better now, and getting back into normal life...hopefully...

Board Game Night was great! I got about 15 people who came, and everyone seemed to have a really great time, It was dice themed, so I had: Dice Forge (my favourite game), Circaidians: First Light, Bang! The dice game and Noctiluca set up to play, I managed to play Circaidians and Bang!, and I think Bang! Probably got the most love throughout the night, it's something I've noticed lately that the shorter, quicker games seem to get more play time than the longer ones, and I don't just mean played more often, but played to a longer time, for example: we might play a 15 Minute game, 5 times in a row making a total of over an hour, where as a we'll probably play a 45 minute game and then be done with it for a while. I personally find statistics about gaming and stuff quite interesting, I hate math but I seeing how something can affect the number of times something else is seen (The Wil Wheaton effect for instance). Other than BGN, I haven't been playing many games, been wanting to but just haven't had the chance or motivation. the only other thing I have to mention about board games (cause it's something I'm quite proud of) is that Ambal Tournament went Live on Kickstarter, Ambal Tournament is a game I was privaleged to be able to playtest a bunch and really enjoyed it, and in doing that I managed to get my name and account on it as a review! I think it's quite cool, that as something that may become a real product (and I hope it does) it will forever have my name attached to it in some way. you can find it here at

Upcoming I'm heading up to Auckland today, we're doing a fun special recording session with a good friend of mine, I'm really looking forward to it, it's Episode 10 and we have a fun episode lined up. I'm also finally going out with Gabbie which I'm very excited for! and other than that, there's not a lot going on in my life. Once again I'll be back in two weeks to rant to you about something you have no interest in. I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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