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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding


UP'n'Going quite well. I'm having a lot of fun recording the podcast, we're on a bit of break right now, just cause we recorded two episodes back to back, and recorded 2 weeks early, so there's about a total of 4 weeks of no recording (might be something small coming out, like minisode) But yeah, on this past weekend we all got together, drove up to Auckland to meet with a good friend, we recorded our episode 10 (which is quite amazing that we've made it that far) and an episode on music. The music episode didn't go the way I wanted it to, but ended up far better, we ended up talking a lot about our thoughts on the Music Industry, where it's heading and where's it's come from, and it was really insightful and interesting. The trip itself was just really fun, it felt good to have all of us together, going somewhere FOR the purpose of the podcast, to quote Luke, it was our first business trip, and I look forward to more in the future.

5G4D I listen to a podcast 5 Games for Doomsday, 5G4D is a podcast all about interviewing board game personalities (designers, podcasters, artists etc) and putting them into the theoretical situation of being stuck in a cabin in the woods during an apocalypse, and they only have time/room to grab 5 games, & getting them to choose the 5 games they'd have. It's a really great podcast that gives you a immense insight not only into the way these people came into the board gaming business but also just into who they are, I've enjoyed every episode I've listened to, and it's made me have quite a bit more respect for all these people. The latest Episode I listened to was Colby Dauch, who is the founder and owner of Plaid Hat games, a company that started, because someone had an idea of a game, similar to Heroscape (more on that later) and decided to make it a reality, and Plaid Hat is now one of the more well known publishers in the industry. They make some really cool and interesting games, but I was most interested in the interview, hearing about Colby's work with Heroscape. Heroscape is a Skirmish, Miniatures game, with cool hexagonal connecting tiles, that you use to build the terrain

It's a fun, fairly simple game to play, with lots of cool characters and it's just a lot of dice chucking fun, in listening to the Podcast I was inspired to make my own map which I hadn't done for a while, so I made the one shown above, I hoped I'd get it played the same week but alas I did not, but even just making the map was super fun, and got me really into the mood for skirmish/fighting style games. And on that note...

What is a Skirmish game There's no solid rule for what a skirmish game is, but to me, a skirmish game is a game where you have two or more players versing each other, using individual characters that move around on a surface. (board, mat, table etc etc) So essentially think a fighting game using miniatures (figures). I've been really intrigued and invested in skirmish games these past couple of weeks, so after building a Heroscape map and thinking about playing (I did eventually get to play a game the following week, and won) I started looking into a game called Unmatched, Unmatched was announced and released 2019, and the game to me looked really cool, it's 2-4 players, and uses characters from myth, fiction and legend to fight it out on a board. The art style, gameplay, and just general idea of Unmatched looked like a game I'd love, but the first set had 4 characters that I just wasn't that interested in, so when they announced the Cobble & Fog pack! With 4 "Victorian" themed characters that I love, I knew I had to get it somehow, the 4 characters included are The Invisible Man, Sherlock Holmes, Dracula and Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (my all time favorite fictional character).

Well long (and boring) story short, I managed to order it and am now eagerly awaiting it's arrival (along with the Bruce Lee pack, and Robin Hood vs Big Foot).

I've also been playing Star Wars: X-Wing, now I know what your thinking: "Dan... Is that a tabletop game where you get to fly ships from Star Wars around and fight each other?!?" well yes, yes it is, and it is epic! I love X-Wing so much, I played a couple of games with Ben, and it was just a lot of fun to fly ships from the Star Wars universe and shoot each other down. My X-Wing set, ever since I bought it, has been a mess in the box, I've kept the miniatures on display on my shelf, but everything else has been pretty messy, just in bags in the box, so I spent some time, buying bits and pieces, and reorganized everything, made foam inserts for the ships, put it all in a laptop bag and viola, a nice handy carry case for X-Wing.

I'm pretty happy with how it came out and I can tell it'll make taking the game places a lot easier.

Table for two? I have had the idea of building a new games table, I have one that I built last year (or the year before) and it's fine, but it's far from perfect, it's unfinished and actually quite small, but I learnt a lot doing it, and have learnt a lot since, so I've decided to build a new one, I'm taking next week off work, and hopefully on Tuesday I'm gonna go into Tauranga and hit up the Op-Shops and find a good table to use as a base, I'm very much quite excited.

Other than that, I plan to spend a day exploring TGA with Gabbie, I get to see some good friends, and just relax.

I look forward to sharing all that with you.

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