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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Holding

What have I been up to?

It's been a hot minute.

I've been… busy? I haven't been too busy actually, I just haven't got round to writing anything, I've wanted to do a lot of writing but every time I sit down to write my story or a poem or the blog, something's popped up and I've gone off to do that, but alas I'm back now, and I've got a LOT to talk about.

Some may call this junk, me? I call them Trasures.

I don't enjoy reading, I just don't get into it, people say they're immersed into a story as they read but for me, I see a bunch of words on a piece of paper, just like reading facts. I love stories and listening to books, so I listen a lot of audio books, and if I ever bought & collected books, it would only be to have them as a collection piece, I'd never read them, so the type of books I'd look at buying are beautiful "deluxe" editions of books (my dream collection would feature books from this:

So a few weeks ago, I went out to Tauranga on a date with my girlfriend, we had a lovely time and even managed to find a nice semi-remote place under a bridge to sit and eat Turkish for lunch, it was a really lovely time, as we were walking back to the bus stop to go home, we stopped into a place that was giving away books, and I found these beautifully decorated leather-bound encyclopedias,

they remind me of Skill Books from Skyrim or Elvish tomes, they're really cool and great decorative pieces and we decided to grab them and they just sit on display in the game room

they aren't worth anything but they're neat.

At the same store front we found something that is worth a little bit, an old Illustrated Family Bible, it's falling to pieces, not all there, and just astoundingly beautiful, we grabbed it as well and I'm not sure what to do with it but it's so cool and makes me feel like an antiques collector.

Table for 6?

I built myself a gaming table!

I already had a gaming table, but it was small, not finished, and poorly done to be honest, I was happy with it as a first project but I really wanted to have another go at it and it and implement a few new things.

I really enjoyed the process and am very happy with the result, it's a much bigger surface and a lot cleaner done, and the added features really add to it, especially the fact I can put the top back on, so I can actually leave a game set up and put the tabletop back on it if we wanted to play something or even eat a meal in there.

I'd like to get some nice chairs to go with it, also try implement play trays around the outside to attach, but for now I am pleased with it, and here's a bunch of pictures of the process!

I've been doing a bunch of gaming on it already, mainly Solo, I've been grinding through the Star Wars Imperial Assault campaign by myself using the companion App, and boy is it a fun game, I'm really enjoying it and getting sucked into the story, and the upgrade system and how it works, it's really quite amazing and super fun, I don't know anyone else personally who play solo games but it's a really great past time and an awesome hobby, to me it's the same as reading a book but I'm interacting with the book, changing the story.

Most of the solo games I play are games that have a solo mode (Raiders of the North Sea, All Manor of Evil, Wingspan etc) but I have twice now, bought myself a solo game, a game that is (technically can be played co-op but) only a solo game, and, they're really just amazing fun, you play against the game, and it's just like doing a puzzle but you are able to lose.

Top 10 'Top 10s' Top 10

A few weeks ago we released episode 10 of the podcast, and we had it filmed and released that too, and it was great, it got really good reception and we got 80+ views and I got a bit of good feedback, it was really encouraging actually, we did a Top 10, which was my idea cause I enjoy Top 10 lists quite a lot, particularly the banter in them, I enjoy ranking things and putting them into a list, I run for fun and methodical (which is probably unusual).

This week we recorded an episode of the podcast, it was just a biter episode, but it was good fun, I really enjoyed it, but I'm not sure how much other people will enjoy it, but I wanted to do it because a) I had a few random things I wanted to talk about, b) it'd been a while since we'd all talked, and 3) we're kinda (not too much) running out of ideas, which is a shame because we all enjoy doing the podcast, but obviously we have to actually talk about something, and ham fisting a topic in there makes it come out sloppy.

So we're racking our brains around some fun topics to do, and we've got a few fun things planned, so I'm still looking forward to where we're able to go from here.

That's all folks

That's all I've got for now, for the amount of time it took for me to actually write something up it's not a lot really, but I hope you enjoy reading it all the same.

These next coming weeks don't have anything big in them, just life as is normal.

So until I write again, have a great life!

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